
HIS Commitments

Boards and Memberships


DonorsChoose.org, Solutions Journalism Network, Chronicle of Philanthropy, Interfaith America, Southern Reconstruction Fund (advisory board).


Founder and CEO of BMe Community, Member Aspen Global Leadership Network, New Pluralists Field Builder, PolicyLink Health Equity Fellow, Ashoka Fellow.

Who is Trabian Shorters?


Trabian Shorters is one of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs and the catalyst of a national movement to first define black people by their aspirations and contributions, then to secure their fundamental freedoms to Live, Own, Vote and Excel.

He is a retired tech entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author, and former vice president of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation where he was responsible for $300M in active grants and endowments in 26 US cities.

His nonprofit social impact network, BMe Community, is award-winning for innovation, impact, and storytelling and boasts more than 400 black leaders plus institutional allies committed to building “equity without stigma.”

Shorters is the author of the award winning cognitive framework, called Asset-Framing®, which heads of influential philanthropic, journalism, and social impact networks are adopting internationally.

Asset-Framing equips its practitioners to have far greater social impact, raise more money, engage broader populations, and make fundamentally stronger cases for equity and systems-change.

Shorters is also the proud husband of international Radical/Purpose Clarity Coach, Yetunde Shorters, and father to two adult sons and preschool twin daughters whom he easily loves more than he loves air.

Reach With Us Testimonials

Since the beginning of time, imitation has always been the first step for those who achieve great things…. We cannot imitate that which we have never seen, heard, or read about.
Ben Jealous
President @PeopleFor Professor of the Practice @Penn
I was able to see how Jeffery [Sachs] and other philanthropists, like Bill Gates, are doing substantial work to support communities and make real progress on challenges that a lot of people thought were intractable. It made me want to get more involved.
John Legend
Grammy Award Wining Artist, Singer, Songwriter
Earning respect, having a positive reputation, and being a valued member of a group or a team are concepts that are some of the reasons I am where I am today.
Isaiah Thomas
NBA Star, Father, Entrepreneur

REACH 40 Black Men Speak on Living, Leading & Succeeding

In this timely and important collection of personal essays, black men from all walks of life share their inspiring stories and ultimately how each, in his own way, became a source of hope for his community and country. This book contains personal essays edited by Ben Jealous and Trabian Shorters.


Trabian Shorters.com Inc. Team.

Kisha Evans

Kisha Evans leverages extensive industry relationships with solid business acumen to broker strong engagements and lucrative opportunities for all stakeholders. Kisha has 10+ years experience developing and managing multifaceted and integrated campaigns, while stewarding large teams. She views her role as being able to curate a global experience, leveraging her ability to innovate and integrate businesses. In a world guided by focus groups and facts, Kisha is inspired by those who believe that ideas for creating better futures won’t be found in the past.

Darwin Shorters
Curriculum Developer

Darwin Shorters leads curriculum design and customization for TrabianShorters.com. He is a former Computer Systems Analyst and Industrial Software Engineer turned award-winning STEM Master Teacher and Curriculum Developer.  Darwin has taught 750+ teachers how to teach computer science to students of all proficiency levels. As an educator, coach and mentor, Darwin leads organizations of all sizes to design, pilot and implement high performing learning environments and curricula.

Trabian Shorters

Trabian Shorters is the global authority on Asset-Framing® which uses cognitive science to multiply the reach, appeal and outcomes of social impact and equity initiatives. One of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs and the catalyst of a national movement to first define black people by their aspirations and contributions, then to secure their fundamental freedoms to Live, Own, Vote and Excel.


Yetunde Taiwo-Shorters

From Int’l Publicist to Executive/Leadership Coach for C-Suite & leading Entrepreneurs. Yetunde helps her clients experience radical clarity on their purpose and they use the power of their personal brand for more impact and confident profits. She is a 20+ years International Publicist, certified Master Practitioner in Neuro-linguistic programming and a Certified Brain-centric Instructional Designer. Her eye for design, synthesizing information and developing creative, result-driven strategies supports her in excelling in her purpose.

