Be the leader who builds equity without stigmatizing people
"You can't lift people up by putting them down". - Trabian Shorters
Trabian Shorters
is one of the world’s leading social entrepreneurs and the catalyst of a national movement to first define black people by their aspirations and contributions, then to secure their fundamental freedoms to Live, Own, Vote and Excel.
Former vice president of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation New York Times bestselling author

how change begins
The impact of Asset-Framing®
Adaptive executive leaders and managers in social innovation, philanthropy, and major associations apply Asset-Framing® to position themselves and society to be much more effective at building equity, pluralism, wealth and prosperity.
Twelve of the fifty largest foundations in America are clients.
Over 25,000 senior executives, board members, and social impact leaders taught.
"Asset-Framing is a powerful tool for shaping impactful public discourse."

“Asset-Framing is such a useful tool for shaping public discourse away from stigmatizing tropes and toward high impact solutions that we’re licensing the right to teach it to all journalists."
-David Bornstein, Solutions Journalism Network, Co-Founder & CEO
"Asset-Framing is essential to how we build Black wealth."

"The power of Trabian's community is Asset-Framing - which is instilled in everything we do at OneUnited Bank - plus its leadership and that it connects mission driven leaders from across the country who would not have found each other without it."
-Teri Williams, OneUnited Bank, Owner & COO
"Asset-Framed projects on our education crowd-funding site raise more money than the deficit-framed ones."

-Charles Best,, Founder
"The Biden Administration's racial wealth-gap policy changes use our Asset-Framed research proving a $156B devaluation of black-owned property, yearly."

-Dr. Andre Perry, Brookings Institution, Senior Fellow
"Asset-Framing helped us to evolve our mission from a focus on 'ending poverty' to building conditions in our state for everyone to prosper.”

-Dr. Sherece West, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, CEO
"Best training on equity that I have experienced."

"This was the best training on equity that I’ve experienced, and frankly one of the best trainings on any subject I’ve ever seen. You invited us all into a new way of seeing and thinking that I believe will prove immensely valuable for us".
-Grant Oliphant, The Heinz Endowments, President
in Social Impact

“The fact of the matter is we all want the same things. And deficit Narratives and Stigmatization are what's preventing us from seeing each other as assets.
Philanthropy has a responsibility to not reinforce that. In fact, we must reinforce a narrative that says that we actually all have shared interests.”
Philanthropy has a responsibility to not reinforce that. In fact, we must reinforce a narrative that says that we actually all have shared interests.”

Trabian Shorters
The global authority on Asset-Framing® which uses cognitive science to multiply the reach, appeal and outcomes of social impact and equity initiatives.